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Trajectory Generation

A trajectory refers to a sequence of observation, action, observation, action, ..., which is the training data for embodied agents.

The LEGENT environment can compute optimal controls for a solution based on the internal state of the environment. The Controller calculates and executes the optimal control for a solution step by step, obtaining a trajectory from the environment. Using the following code, you can directly generate training data.

from legent import Environment, ResetInfo, TaskCreator, Controller, TrajectorySaver

env = Environment(env_path="auto", use_animation=False) # significantly increase the sampling rate without using animations
    saver = TrajectorySaver()
    tasks = TaskCreator().create_tasks(task_types=['come', 'goto'], method="hardcoding", scene_num=3) # or load from task files
    for task in tasks:
        controller = Controller(env, task['solution'])
        traj = controller.collect_trajectory(task)

        if traj:
            # The task has been completed successfully
            print(f'Complete task "{task["task"]}" in {traj.steps} steps.')
            print(f'Complete task "{task["task"]}" failed. Deserted.')

The dataset will be saved at .legent/dataset.