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Start the Environment Client

legent launch --scene 0

This command will launch the latest client in the .legent/env/client folder. If you want to launch a specific client, run:

legent launch --env_path <path-to-the-client>  --scene 0

A predefined 3D scene will be displayed, where you and a robot agent are positioned in a first-person view.

A reminder for Windows users

If you're using a Windows computer with a VPN enabled, please disable it. Otherwise, the client cannot get the scene file from the launched scene server. We'll investigate this issue further in future updates.

step by step manually

The scenes in LEGENT are all generated on the Python side. The client side obtains scenes by requesting the scene server (or using legent.Environment in the toolkit). Start the scene generator by running:

legent serve

To start the client, simply open it like any regular software. For example, by double-clicking the executable file.

Or enter the following command in the console:

"<path-to-the-executable-file>" --width <screen-width> --height <screen-height>

Manual Controll

character controll

Move the mouse to rotate the perspective.
Press W, A, S, D to move the character.
Press G or left mouse button to grab/release an object.
Press Enter to chat.

view controll

Press C to switch between the first-person-view and the third-person-view.
Press V to switch between your view, the agent's view, and a panoramic top-down view.
Press X to switch between full screen and windowed screen.
Press Esc to unfocus the game client.

Currently the robot will not have any response. Next, we will use the Python side to control the robot.

Default Scenes

Currently, LEGENT has two default scenes: 0 (stylized) and 1 (realistic). You can use these scenes by running legent launch --scene 0 or legent launch --scene 1 respectively.