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Single-Image VLA

Here, the training and deployment example can only handle single-image input, taking LLaVA as an example base model. To quickly illustrate the process, the training and deployment example only uses the task of "come here". However, to enable the model to have a general capability, it should be trained on a variety of tasks.


Embodied models should have the capability to input multiple sequential images or videos to get a good understanding of the environment. If we use a single-image model, it means that the agent cannot perceive and memorize the observation history well. Without the observation history, the agent will encounter many problems, such as getting easily stuck. The problems are not very significant for tasks where the camera does not move a lot, such as robotic arm operations, but it has a major impact on tasks that involve navigation.


Install dependencies on the remote server:

pip install -e ".[llava]"
pip install flash-attn --no-build-isolation

Generate the training data we need.

Data Generation

You can put the training data on the server using one of the following three methods:

  1. Generate trajectory on your personal computer and upload to the remote server manually.

  2. Generate trajectory on the remote server using Xvfb.

    On the remote server, run:

    xvfb-run python scripts/
  3. Using ssh.

    On the remote server, run:

    python scripts/

    On your personal computer, run:

    legent launch --ssh <username>@<host>:<ssh_port>,<password>

    The dataset will be saved at .legent/dataset on the remote server.

Prepare the training data to LLaVA format.

python scripts/llava/

Download the model.

python scripts/llava/

The model will be downloaded to .legent/models/base/llava-v1.5-7b.

Train the model by running:

bash scripts/llava/

The save path will be printed.


On the remote server, deploy the model by running:

MODEL_PATH=<model_path> python scripts/llava/

On your personal computer, launch the client by running:

from legent import Environment, AgentClient

env = Environment(env_path="auto")
agent = AgentClient(ssh="<username>@<host>:<ssh_port>")
obs = env.reset()
    while True:
        action = agent.act(obs)
        obs = env.step(action)

In the chatbox, input "Come here" and see what happens.